Thursday 4 September 2014

Malcolms message to Vladimir Putin

Dear Mr Putin,

As a simple and ordinary working man and lifelong resident of England a country I dont think you hold in much esteem, I would like to apologise for the upset you look to be feeling because the west looks to have encouraged the former communist countries to join the European Union and NATO. Did they realise you might get a tad upset by this, I suspect so but its all a bit of a game isn't it politics at an international level. The only problem is its the residents of the countries involved who have to put up with the ramifications of political decisions.

You are undoubtedly aware of the global situation at the moment Ukraine being one news item at the moment and I can almost understand why you wanted to have Crimea back in the fold as it were, the Ukrainians dont like it of course. You only have to look at Google Maps to see the important access it gives you to the Baltic Sea. I can imagine that's why you would also like to see more of Ukraine back in the fold as well, especially that coastal strip running to the Crimea. Not that you would admit that of course and who could blame you.

However I would like to ask you to look at the bigger picture at the moment. The two biggest threats as I see it to "normal" life in the world at the moment look to be Ebola and the Islamic State. Surely you can see the sense in joining with countries in the west and elsewhere to help combat both of these threats.  Russia has enormous scientific as well as military capabilities.

Please help to calm things down as soon as you can in the Ukraine not by any military means, that needs to stop. The world needs Russia to stand with western countries and those in the near east to combat the Islamic State. If Iran can get involved surely Russia can as well. Russia is an important country and can also undoubtedly help with Ebola research and aid.

Show the world that Vladimir Putin and Russia care and are prepared to work together with other countries. It could change the world for the better.

But then that's only a dream isn't it! The dream of a simple and ordinary English working man.

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