Sunday 8 September 2013

blah syria blah politicians

Waking up slowly this morning I heard a bit from the Andrew Marr show. A couple of journos being asked about Syria including Max Hastings who was saying that nobody in the military here or in USA is sure about getting involved at any level. Then we have William Hague a govt minister saying how it is important that something happens in a pompous we are important voice. And some of the media is no better talking on and on about getting involved, how and who and when etc etc.

I know its politics being played out but surely Syria knows the west and I suspect Russia and China are not happy about what have been reported as chemical attacks.

Yes Syria must be sorted out but please listen to the public on this, we do not want to see this develop into a major conflict which it has the potential to do irrespective of whether you say no boots on the ground or not.