Sunday 19 April 2015

spring is sprung

Oh yes it is most certainly sort of.

Oak is almost out well this one was anyway in Essex yesterday and I saw my first two swallows skimming around over a field for 2015 as well.

Then in Cambridge while gardening last week I saw these could be a bit later than last year but in showy bloom none the less.

The knots have it

I was sorting some feather board fencing out t'other day for a job and saw this smily face looking out at me. What could I do but take a picture. Two knots and the preservative you could say I suppose but others might see anything, what can you see......

all limp and crying bless it

What can you do eh, there it was all limp and forlorn, stuck on a post by someone perhaps thinking its owner would come back but not yet if ever. Another lost glove pining for the hand that filled it, I could almost hear the tears........

how many gloves are lost

There I was in deepest Essex yesterday on a bird survey when shouting out at me from the ground all washed up worn out and discarded was this glove. How many discarded gloves are there out there all lost and alone.............

Tuesday 14 April 2015

had to oast in kent

It would have been rude not to really, see an Oast House that is in Kent.

But did we see any Oast's, no we didn't and I was looking hard I can tell you. Still I like the picture, perhaps the Oasts are hiding somewhere.............

tomorrows word of the day

Go on read it and there you will see tomorrows word of the day, Brustle. Love it its so descriptive of walking through leaves.

really really sad

Right where was I, away for a few days in Kent. Needed to go for a wee wee in Rye and saw this and could not believe it.

Yes its a container of soap tied to a tap to stop anyone taking it away, well I think it was soap, whatever how sad is that what does it say about the state of the town or some people in it. Blimey is all i can say.

almost a good name for a pub

Being brave and unglovely with this one, hope the gloves dont get upset, saw this sock all tattered and torn, aarrgghh, and had to immortalise it.

Anyway what do you think eh, hows this for a pub name. The Ragged Sock, could do a great line in cheese dishes I suppose.

im sniggering but its not funny

Saw this little turret at Bodiam Castle in yes Kent, I've been away for a few days, nurse recommended it for my sanity, it worked I still havn't got any.

Saw the turret and started to giggle, to me it looks like something from a cartoon where someone has run into a wall and there nose has got squashed, well it does to me so there.

Theres a big fuss in part of Cambridge at the moment

Theres a big fuss in part of Cambridge at the moment about half a dozen Plane trees that have been crown reduced because there is a worry about insurance claims linked to the roots and nearby houses.

Was in Faversham Kent a few weeks ago and in front of a most amazing flint faced looking church with its almost fretwork like spire, I saw this Plane that has been pollarded, but has not been killed just. Its definitely trying to grow again so perhaps its in the right place and prayers can be said.

there has to be a better way for solar

As much as I think we should be installing solar panels, is it really right that we use agricultural land? Okay while its doing that its not be over used and sprayed but surely there has to be a way something else could use this land at the same time as the panels. Free range chickens perhaps or even Jumpdike.

yes itss glove

Its been so long since I saw a good glove just laying about and then the other day while walking across a field on a bird survey this one just lay there saying please take my picture make me famous.

I call it Dunexplorin

tah tah ah tah

Time for some silliness, I have been too busy and serious of late so silly it is.

                                                                     I should hope it is