Thursday 1 December 2016

Two remarkable things seen today and you will not like one of them

One doesnt go round with ones eyes closed normally, its dangerous especially while driving.

Today has excelled itself for two remarkable things seen.

The first and most amazing indeed as was only talking about it needing doing for ages is, tadah, they have finally replaced the worn out white lines etc on the A14/Milton roundabout, big cheers and much hooting and hollering, where did you find the money to pull that off County Council but thanks for redoing it, using it was getting a bit like russian roulette would you come out the other side intact.

The second I couldnt believe and I am still in a state of shock and disbelief over. We were driving slowly down Histon Road around midday today and had just gone past the little row of shops, there was a small white french make van wanting to turn right onto Histon Road. I was looking at it because I couldnt work out why I was seeing two head shapes in the drivers side window. I stopped to let it out and then I realised what I was looking at and as my passenger pointed out it was disbelief that stopped us both from noting the registration number and reporting it. Why, well would you drive a vehicle with a sixish month old baby on your lap held only be your left arm which also has to change gear etc. He was.