Monday, 18 August 2014

Captain Mainwaring Captian Mainwaring shall I bring the van Sir

Took Mum to the Ramsey 40's do over the weekend, loads and loads of folk all dressed up as servicemen and civvies as well as vehicles. But one really stood out and brought back many happy memories of time spent watching the telly with family.

Yes its the real one and it now belongs to a Dads Army Museum in Thetford, which for those who dont know is where most of it was filmed.

HHMMNN I have a feeling the seasons might be changing


Starlings on the fantail

Friday, 15 August 2014

its all about perception part 2

A wet Ely, very wet, how wet well look at this picture.

Hammering down might be an appropriate statement. Most people were sheltering somewhere or another, in shops, the cathedral, under trees, under umbrellas, inside waterproofs.

But if you look closely at the right hand bench you can see something that is actually revelling in the rain. Seen it yet, okay a closer view.

The ducks were loving it.

Perceptions eh!

its all about perception part 1

Yesterday, 14th August 2014, in the Cambridge area we had a mix of fine dry spells and some heavy showers and I do mean heavy, Ely railway underpass on the A142 was flooded yet again causing lots of joyous scenes and comments!

Anyway with roads wet and slippery the majority of road users had lots to entertain them in the shape of the usual small minority of other road users driving like well what words can you use to describe them, brainless, selfish, ignorant, full of self importance.

But then my view might not be the same that they have which might be along the lines of, slow drivers who abide by the law and drive within the limits of the weather, their vehicles and abilities are obnoxious and should all be taken of the road so I can drive my lovely car (pile of crap, expensive toy, rust bucket, excuse for a small p**** you get my drift) at full speed in a totally controlled manner.

Perceptions eh!

Look at this ice cream van swish or what

Was in Ely yesterday afternoon and saw this shiny Ice cream van, blimey alloy wheels disc brakes and chrome, does it make the ice cream taste any better I wonder.........

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Now I know I can sometimes spin a yarn but...........

I was walking along this canal at a festival and there amongst the barges I came across this strange caterpiller the like of which I have never seen before.

A real rarity I was thinking but then well words almost failed me because there on the towpath was a Mermaid, that's right a Mermaid, see for yourself.

She was very talkative and quite happy to be basking in the sun talking to people, I said I will try and make you famous as I took her picture. Well I might not be able to make her famous but she will be better known at least eh.

Thorn Apple Devils Snare

That's two names for it or you could have Datura stramonium if you prefer.

What is it well surprise surprise its an invasive plant given half a chance and three of em have popped up in the middle of nowhere on the route of a bat survey I do annually.

Whats it look like,

Interesting plant aint it eh. I was wondering when I first got a glimpse what it was, it sort of reminded me of something else, then I saw the seed pods and apart from hhpphhmming and hhuumming had no idea.

So good old interweb put in spiky seed pods on non native plants and kerpow up it comes. Oh and yes its poisonous and should be treated with respect and kid gloves and its a member of the Solanaceae family which includes, Potato and Tomato which should give you a good idea of what the flowers look like when open.

As for the names well you can add two more;  Hell's Bells, Devil’s Trumpet.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Why and Who

Two important questions most of us are always asking especially in this world at the moment. So closer to home I ask the questions again.

I was walking on the edge of a field earlier this week while working and saw this old fallen branch.

Getting closer the graffiti sprayed on it became more obvious although what it says I have no idea and the only thing I can think is Why.
Suitably nonplussed I wander off muttering and thanking my lucky stars I dont have to deal with things like this any more. Still cant fathom though why anyone would want to spray graffiti in a farmers field, whos it for, whats it for?

Eventually I come across this ditch and start having a nose round. There were some lovely old Field Maple growing away all stunted in the hedgerow and then I saw this and smiled as the other question came into my mind, not only Who, but, Who would live in a house like this.

Thankfully daft won the day.

Noticed this sign and got to wondering

As you do?

Now I am not a great one for Opera I will admit, never seen one to be honest. But its a story so I read a bit. Thing is no where does it say anything about a grain store.

Question; Am I being too literal again.

Looking for Corn Buntings

As you do, dont you!!! There's a survey this year in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire trying to find out more about one our farmland birds the Corn Bunting, its like a pumped up Skylark but dont let them hear you say that. Lovely birds they are and like so many not as many about as there used to be. So the survey is looking at selected map squares.

 I got in late on this but got a square, I know a few places in this area where I can see them but another might be nice. The square lies Southish of the River Kennett where it forms part of the border between Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. Did I see or hear any Corn Bunting, no. But I did get lovely views of a Grey Wagtail family feeding and foraging under a road bridge.

A bit of a mixed up square really, farmland, major roads, large farm reservoir and a commercial tip. Still did hear Nightingale, and see as well Yellowhammer, Skylark, Lapwing, Oystercatcher and Little Owl amongst other birds.

The tip reminded me once again that nature cannot stand empty space and sure enough in all the areas where disturbance of the soil was negligible plants were growing, flowering away amid the foreloaders, bulldozers and lorries.


A couple of weekends ago I met up with my brothers and their respective partners for a trip on the Wherry Albion, the reason one was celebrating their silver wedding not that it seems that long.

Albion is a lovely old wooden Wherry that can be hired for a party of 12 to sail for a day on part of the Norfolk Broads.

She is gorgeous, the trip is slow and you have a chance to sit and watch the world go by sharing time with family and friends, as a family we have done this twice now and I would go back tomorrow.

You can sprawl on deck, relax in the hold, stop off here and there and watch the wildlife.

Perhaps a nice male Marsh Harrier like this one or  a Four Banded Longhorn Beetle like this one we saw feeding on the flowers of Hemp Agrimony.

Got me to thinking about all sorts of things including what it must have been like for the crews of the Wherries, the Lighters, the Keels and the Essex Sailing Barges as well as the river Barges all those years ago. So to add to my dreams we even had a bit of real rain on the way back to help me with my imagining.

But it passed and clothes dry and anyway nothing dampens good times with those close to you.

Do you remember the Ribena berries advert

You know the one where there's the load in a trailer and one escapes.

Well they are as usual growing fields of Beetroot in the nearby fen for your salads. I was driving through there a week or so ago and noticed a few laying here and there that had thrown themselves out of the trailers, Ribena berry like, and were laid stunned unable to move for a while beside the road. (What is he on !)

Just thinking should I stop and offer assistance (Eh!) by taking them home washing them and keeping them warm, a shocking sight meets my eyes. (Oh that sort of assistance)

Beside the road there is a large frontloader in a wheat field scooping up what looked like half a load that had made a break for it all at once. I did think about stopping and taking a picture but thankfully common sense kicked in, a sure way to get the camera inserted into ones body I suspect.

Went past the spot yesterday and not a sign they were ever there, is there a beetroot heaven I wonder!

So there I was eating my sandwich

So there I was sitting in my car and eating me sandwich a week or so ago when there's this wwhhhzz past me earhole. What was that oh its a wasp, where did it come from, oohh look there a nest just outside the car window.

It was about or perhaps a bit bigger than the size of a yellow melon and very much home to a small group of wasps intent on setting up home in the Ivy growing there.

What did I do, shut the window and move the car. Useful creatures that they are I have painful memories of them while managing a park, on my head for starters while inspecting a tree which caused immense hilarity for those working with me at the time.