Sunday 19 December 2010

Its all in your life as the man said

The man was Dennis of Grunty Fen of course and if you have never heard of this famous! chap you have missed out on some of the best descriptions of lifes ups and downs imaginable.

Anyway its funny how your life changes and things happen as it were. There I was thinking of doing a bit of work in some gardens where I knew I would not damage the soil given the easing of the cole conditions. When out of the blue, well it was the phone actually, comes the words do you fancy a days work at *****, well naturally I said yes and to cut a short story long I took it and got three days work in the end. It was environmental work and involved a bit of fencing, and some surveying work with a bit of standing around for good measure. Got a bit muddy mind you but it has washed of.

Did get some gardening done on Thursday for a couple of my regulars, I say gardening as there were a few odd jobs thrown in for good measure such as cutting up firewood.

Thursday evening stands out though in my mind, it was the Cambridgeshire Mammal Group Christmas Social an event not to be missed I can assure you. Always good food and chat about mammals as well as a catch up with folk, but most importantly the Quiz of all quiz's. A spectacle of seriousness well some of the time, often though tis just banter and winding up the other team and the poor devil who put the quiz together, but lets not forget the plasticene. Thats right plasticine for making models with of course and in this case it was Otters at one fifth life size no less. There was a problem there was no brown or white for that matter but loads of yellow red and green with a smattering of orange. Still our designated modellers did sterling work and produced what can only be described as incredible replicas of Otters, ours was the best of course very lifelike in yellow! As for the other team well it looked more like a corrugated squirrel something we told them of course.

Whats this to do with anything , well Otters are spreading all over the fens is the thing, the Middle Level is now filling up with artificial otter holts with more to go in and they are being visited by Otters and there are some pictures to prove it some great closeups. Really good work and a credit to the middle level commissioners.

Then Friday and some more christmas shopping almost done I think? and almost ready.

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