Monday 6 January 2014

On't railway lad you never need

So its official Cambridge might get a new railway station and folk are happy as little kids in sweet shops used to be before they banned sugar, oh no they hav'nt dont that yet, that's next year.

The local Cambridge news is full of the good news with the councils very happy claiming it will be  a game changer and a catalyst for growth and then there was this other story on the 19th December.

"Workers covered in lavatory waste"

We are in the 21st century with all this fantastic technology and yet still trains just drop toilet waste onto the tracks and line staff have to work in it. The article claims that less than half of Greater Anglia's trains that operate in the Cambridge area have retention tanks which keep all the toilet waste in the train until it can be pumped out. And guess why all trains dont have retention tanks. A Greater Anglia spokeswoman said, " upgrades take time to implement as they rely on collaboration with rail industry partners, including the companies who lease the trains to them".

Well that's all right then eh, or it's a load of ****.

All in it together I dont think so but lets face it anything to keep costs down and the economy growing regardless of anyone else so it must be okay!

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