Saturday 21 March 2015

Is it too much to ask for some accurate information about TTIP

TTIP or Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to give it its full name, a trade deal between Europe and USA.

Do you know about it, should you know about it, would you care? Should you care?

Its confusing, its a good thing, its a bad thing, it all depends who you are from what I can see.

Politicians, business, countries - UK, Europe, USA. But whatever a lot of folk are not too impressed with it, they have looked at it and can see possible problems, business having too much power and being able to access work in NHS for example or even hold countries to account for actions that damage there trading ability.

Its been going on for years now the negotiations around this, is the general public aware I dont think so, should the general public be aware I think so.

What do our political parties think of it? Well most of them or there local wannabe MP's are wary of it if not against it. Labour, Greens, UKIP. The Tories and the Libs take a different view and actively say we have nothing to fear, we can trust them to make sure no dodgy deals will be done as it could benefit the country (uhhuh) by billions a year.

To my mind that if nothing else says we should know more.

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