Friday, 20 December 2013

Foodbanks a twist

Interesting article in last nights local paper.

A Cambridge MEP has called on the govt to end its boycott of a new £3 billion European fund to provide food to the hungry in time for Christmas.  Richard Howitt has teamed up with Trussel Trust who are charity behind food banks to campaign for them to be eligible for a new aid fund confirmed in Euro parliament last Tuesday.

Mr Howitt MEP said ' It is very sad that our Govt is opposing this much needed help for food banks on the basis that it is a national responsibility, when in reality it has no intention of providing the help itself'.

So we dont know how much they would be eligable for BUT.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

On a less serious note!

Knock at door this afternoon, its a delivery lady from UPS with a parcel for a neighbour, will I take it for them, of course I say.

So she takes my signature and then my address, then she says, can I take your name. I laughed and she looked puzzled.

It must be my daft sense of humour.

I blogged about pointed sticks a little while ago.

I blogged about pointed sticks a little while ago and today we have reports from the head of the armed forces that because of the cuts we could soon have a situation where we have good equipment but not enough personnel able to use it, even the suggestion that service personnel are seen as expensive overheads . But he added and we mustn't forget that the largest amount of the defense budget is spent on getting that equipment from large companies.

All sounds a bit familiar. And no I dont think voting UKIP will help, I am not sure voting for who would help mind.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

so you're out walking and you see this

What do you think;

Ah the stile is having a lay down

Shouldnt someone put a new one up

Or, I bet they cant afford to/havnt got anyone paid or volunteer to do it because of more cuts.

Does it matter?

tuesday 17th dec a glorious day

Tuesday was a glorious day, I was working in a garden with the sun shining, Great tits giving it Teecha Teecha and flowers out on a cherry.

Monday, 16 December 2013

a mumming we went

Saturday was spent in March mumming in a few of the pubs there. Seven performances in all raising money for EACH. A lot of fun and a few laughs.

A couple of the dodgy March Mummers below, one looking suspiciously like me pretending to be someone else.

Have you guessed who yet????

splinters which species is first for you

I have had a fair few splinters in my hands being a gardener, and as you do I was pondering the important things in life this evening while picking out irritating bits of hawthorn thorns.

They had only been in me for about six hours and were irritating already, and this got me wondering, why well how long do the thorns of which species stay in you the longest. For me its got to be in order of longevity, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Bramble, Rose then lastly by a mile Pyracantha.

So why are they different then. What makes a splinter stay in you without irritating. This has to be one of the great mysteries of all time along with how does a thermos flask know to keep things hot or cold.

its what christmas cards are for

Yes I still send them and as I write them I think of the folk I am sending them too and where I met them etc etc etc.

Had one today from an old college friend, agricultural college that is. I cannot believe its 25 years since a dozen or so of us celebrated Christmas there and I can still remember it. Our classroom had been a goat shed and the smell from the drains sometimes was lovely.

But it was the change in my life I was looking for. Good times and good people.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Whats the difference between a windmill and a wind turbine?

Well what is the difference then eh. I posted that Burwell windmill was getting its sails back after a lapse of forty odd years.

I am betting if it was a wind turbine going up there would be uproar.

What is the difference?

Never seen one before

Nah I have never seen one before in all my time in engineering which was years ago. A 15 inch box wood ruler, not a centimetre or millimetre in sight just inches, you know them things we was told in the, wait for it, 1970's was being phased out.

It was a lovely thing, but why 15 inches! Who knows then eh, can anyone help??????

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Im looking for a word

Can you help me please I am looking for a word a descriptive word for a special sort of person.

I think he/they is/are male and I suspect youngish. I suspect he/they has/have no qualms, morals or guidance.

What has he/they done?

Upset my Mum.

Mum lives in sheltered accommodation in Chatteris. Last Saturday morning she told me about sheds being broken into on the site, at her shed they had moved a bin and been disturbed I think but they did break into about three others that night. Mum was very nervous especially about her shed, why, because it contains her walker, the thing that helps her get about outside.

Since then a couple more sheds on the site have been broken into, what are they taking, tools.

Today I get another call from Mum, at about half nine last night someone was seen squatting close to bushes near her backdoor, when challenged by someone on the site they ran away. Mum is now very nervous and wondering when her shed will get broken into.

As for him/they well I am looking for a word. I am thinking of various mind you. I am also wondering what on earth is going on these days when elderly folk whether my Mum or not are seen as fair game for ripping off and robbing and upsetting. I see and hear of a lot of it while gardening.

Now whats the word I am thinking of.

Seeing the view for the view

So when you look over a landscape whatever you might think of it what do you think.

Doesn't look too inspiring does it but there's something very special about that view.

In the distance bricks are being made, so! to make bricks you need to dig for clay, and! Well this is the area where the 8 log boats made thousands of years ago were found. Might not mean much to some but what else is down there waiting to be found.

saw this sign

I carried out a Green Flag Mystery shop a week or so ago and on the play area was this sign. I love the way they are getting the message across.

history in the making

Oh yes folks real life history in the making, a big crane included.

The first time sails have been on the windmill at Burwell for 40 years.

Whats in a name

Been doing some survey work for birds on a site near Peterborough this year, due to finish early in 2014.

To the side of the site is a lovely little fenland drain.

Whats its name?

Pig Dyke!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Toll free A14 and lower electric bills

So we have the news this afternoon that the A14 if it ever gets improved will not be a pay as you use road. Interesting and not a U turn apparently. The thing at the back of my mind though is how will they finance the difference.

Was there a clue the other day?

We had the announcement that the rises in energy prices would be less than announced as the Green element was being added to general taxation. Well which part of general taxation please tell us, will you cut something to fund it or can we all guess, up goes our tax again.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Cant remember swallowing the fly

This will come as a shock to some, I was working hard today.

So working hard in a garden and I get this bitter taste in my mouth and the urge to cough and cough, eventually what comes up, a small spider.

So was it waiting for a fly or was I just lucky it didn't get any worse!!!!!!!!!