Saturday, 30 June 2012

have you ever had a hard day at work

We all do it moan about the hard day we have had at work every now and then. Nothing comes close to this though;

It has been a tragic week for the conservation world with 9
rangers killed in the line of duty in Africa and Kazakhstan

Mbazawani Mhlongo, 57 and Phumlani Mthembu, 34 are 
missing presumed drowned after they confiscated a canoe
used by commercial wildlife poachers in South Africa’s 
Enseleni Nature Reserve on Friday 23 June.

In a separate incident at least five rangers were killed and 
one other is missing presumed dead in an attack by Mai Mai
rebels on the Okapi Conservation Project in the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC) late last week. A further incident, 
just reported, has one Ranger  reported killed in a massacre
in Kazakhstan.

Source Sean Wilmore,  Thin Green Line.

Friday, 22 June 2012

spaghetti gardening!

So there I was in this garden this afternoon the breeze blowing strongly bringing the next sharp shower rolling towards me as I cut and clipped, weeded and gathered.

Then it dawned on me a couple of gardens away they have got some wind chimes and the breeze was making them clang and clank in a very unpeaceful manner.

But it was the noise they were making that made me smile, I expected to get a whiff of a cheap little cigar or hear the sound of clanking spurs. It was definately a case of A Fistful of Dollars and I bet you can guess the tune they were making.

buy with confidence trumpet blow

So there I was a few months ago thinking how can I join some sort of scheme and perhaps get some more work in. Bit difficult as I work as a gardener, storyteller and carry out wildlife surveys of one sort or another.

Then I hear about this scheme run by Trading Standards in Cambridgeshire part of a national scheme called Buy With Confidence. Its going to cost but should I give it a go, so I did. Now lo and behold after all the forms have been filled in, proved I am self employed and have insurance, references from clients sought and a CRB obtained I am registered with the scheme.

So the car now has a buy with confidence logo on it and a new sign that is bigger and brighter proclaiming what I am listed by the scheme as providing; Gardening, Storytelling and Wildlife Surveys.

Time for a pretty picture.

And the flowers smelt lovely.