Monday 12 March 2012

I am not worthy or am I

I apologise for existing, getting in your way and holding you up this evening, to the driver of the metallic goldish large Ford saloon, it was a bit mucky so cant be precise about the colour or the registration number. 

What did he do, he overtook me this evening in Histon at about ten past five as I had just about stopped in the middle of the road and was about to turn right. 

I had  given my usual plenty of notice via my indicators that I was turning right as well and had seen the car wanting to turn right out of the road I turn into, I was going to let it go before I turned right.

For some reason I looked in my mirror again at the last moment after making sure nothing was coming towards me to see the Ford saloon coming up behind me deliberately swerve out, overtake me and just carry on. No flashing lights, no siren, no nothing.

What can you say.

I am just glad I stopped still and watched him go past. I am still here and uninjured. Those who look after me were obviously doing just that.

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