Friday, 14 November 2014

I have to admit this, for once I agree with my MP

I wont say it happens often but I do agree with James Paice on this. What on, solar farms thats what.

Yes I do broadly agree with them and other forms of renewable energy but solar farms are springing up all over this area like mushrooms or it seems like it.

Whats wrong with that for him and me, well land locked up for 25 years for starters unable to be used for anything else.

Locally we had a scheme announced where they said they might be able to allow grazing under the panels and cited examples where sheep graze and free range chickens roam. Surely this could be the norm. Why then do most I see not seem to have this double usage of the land.

The local scheme didn't even have any indication of the amount of land they wanted to use, something others have noticed elsewhere.

You can lay odds its all to do with money somewhere or another.

minsmere and ooh what a big boy he is

Went to RSPB Minsmere reserve last Friday for a look round, first time for over a year, nice day well it was down there anyway, brightish and breezy shall we say.

The views were stunning.

Saw some lovely birds, Stonechat, Great White Egret, Bewicks Swan and Snow Bunting. Nice views of Otter as well and the tamest of Red Deer this one about twenty feet away at most from a group of people.

Really impressed though by this fella.

a week has passed and oh how i miss them

Fisah and Chips at Aldeburgh last Friday evening on my way to a storytelling job. Almost a story in themselves, fish and chips in a thick paper shopping bag, well almost, and very nice they were too.

Set me up a treat for the work later on.